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Shelburne, MA Dentists Suggest Smaller Bites

February 22, 2013

Filed under: Family Dentistry,Patient Education — bghdental @ 6:03 pm

BigBiteIt is lunch time, and you didn’t have a chance for breakfast. Your stomach was rumbling so loudly in the mid-morning office meeting that three people looked at you and laughed. You are starving. You can’t wait to join your co-workers at the restaurant up the street where you can order a burger so big, you can barely fit your mouth around it. Today, you’re just hungry enough to devour the whole thing. You open your mouth wide to take that first juicy bite and you feel a shooting pain in your jaw. Your Shelburne, MA dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, will tell you why you should be careful not to allow your eyes (and mouth) to be bigger than your stomach.

Super Size Your Dental Needs

Our society is definitely wired for “bigger is better.” Why order the small sandwich, when the large one is only a dollar more? Why eat a normal sized corn dog at the fair when they’re selling some that are four times as large? Well, one answer is that taking a bite that’s bigger than the size of your mouth can simply cause damage to your jaw. So be cautious, even if your friends are cheering you on to take the challenge at a restaurant and eat the 20 pound steak. While that might make for a great picture on Facebook, over-extending your jaw in such a way can lead to problems with your TMJs (temporomandibular joints). (more…)

Deerfield, MA Dentists Discuss the Power of Smiling

February 15, 2013

Filed under: Family Dentistry,Patient Education — bghdental @ 6:51 pm

YearbookYou may expect to hear about dental based studies on various foods or extracts that can stop gum disease or tooth decay. Research on general health is an expected element of modern science. Studies on smiling might sound more frivolous. After all, a smile is just an involuntary reaction to happiness, isn’t it? Well, there might be more to the effects of smiling than we think, which is why there has been various science-based studies on the way we contort the muscles in our face, and how that might predict anything from career success to relationship success. Your Deerfield, MA dentists will tell you more.

Smiling Research in the UK

A British study recently focused on the therapeutic properties of smiling. One single smile was compared to the same endorphin release that has been pin-pointed from the consumption of chocolate. If you’re a chocolate lover, you know the (more…)

Greenfield General Dentists Suggest Heart Healthy Diet

February 8, 2013

Filed under: Family Dentistry,Patient Education — bghdental @ 7:02 pm

Whole FoodsWe’re continuing a focus on the heart for February’s National Heart Month. You also may have noticed all of those delicious looking candy choices for another heart-centric February event – Valentine’s Day. Naturally, no dentist is going to suggest that you eat all the candy you want. Sugar contributes to cavities, plain and simple, and while good oral hygiene can help, limiting sucrose in your diet will be all the better for your teeth. Your heart will benefit from a better diet, as well. Your Greenfield general dentistsDrs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda will describe some of these heart healthy foods.

Whole Foods for a Healthy Heart

When you go grocery shopping, consider sticking to the perimeters. The outer aisles are generally where the foods that are best for your heart are kept. Inner aisles boast more pre-packaged or “junk” foods that rely on preservatives and chemicals and high sodium for longer shelf lives. While you may have trouble transitioning back to healthy food when you’ve gotten used to the over-processed types, you can retrain your taste buds with will-power and diligence. Besides, when you experience how much better your body wiIl feel, you’ll have more of an incentive to keep up the good dietary work. (more…)

Greenfield Dentists: Dental Care for Patients with Heart Disease

February 1, 2013

Filed under: Family Dentistry,Patient Education — bghdental @ 9:38 pm


Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. In fact, on average, one in every three deaths is a result of heart disease and stroke. Many people suffering from disorders of the heart don’t realize they may require special care when undergoing even routine dental procedures. February is American Heart Month, which is why your Greenfield family dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, are using today’s blog to discuss the dental care needs of our patients with heart conditions.


Greenfield Dentists on Fighting Tooth Decay with Vitamin D

January 18, 2013

Filed under: Family Dentistry,Tooth Decay — bghdental @ 8:55 pm


Sometimes we all need to relax outside and enjoy some fresh air. A little time in the sun can make you feel rejuvenated, but did you know the sun also helps protect your teeth? Your Greenfield family dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, explain the benefits of vitamin D and how the sun’s rays can help prevent tooth decay.


Greenfield Dentists on Age-Appropriate Dentistry for Kids

January 7, 2013

Filed under: Family Dentistry — Tags: , , , — bghdental @ 10:19 pm

kid dentalTaking your child to the dentist should be a positive, rewarding experience. If you take the right steps, great dental visits are a sure thing. Your Greenfield dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, want you to know, we adore children and provide age-appropriate dentistry for our youngest, most eager patients.

Children’s Checkups

A children’s dentist should teach parents and children about preventive dentistry,which begins with regular dental checkups after the first few teeth erupt. We recommend children visit our office as soon as they can sit in the dental chair, even for a few moments at a time. A first visit for toddlers usually involves a ride in the dental chair, a sampling of our suction and water tools, and a quick oral examination by the dentist. As children grow into little walking, talking, opinionated people, our children’s dentists may suggest dental sealants and fluoride treatment. These procedures strengthen and protect young teeth against the starches and acids that cause decay.


Your Greenfield Dentists Want to Help You Overcome Dental Anxiety in 2013

January 3, 2013

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry,Dental Anxiety,Family Dentistry,Tooth Decay — bghdental @ 5:24 pm


Have you made your New Year’s resolution yet? While most people resolve to lose weight or start a new hobby, your Greenfield dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, have another suggestion. Why not resolve to overcome your dental anxiety this year? For many Americans, the thought of going to the dentist is a terrifying prospect. Many avoid regular dental checkups, and soon they find themselves dealing with tooth decay, gum disease, or in some cases, tooth loss. The dentist office is nothing to fear, and your Greenfield dentists want you to know, they work hard to give patients a positive dental experience.


Greenfield Dentists Celebrate National Handwashing Awareness Week

December 3, 2012

Filed under: Family Dentistry,Patient Education — bghdental @ 5:11 pm

The first week of December is National Handwashing Awareness Week. Why is that a concern of your dentist? Because, most dental professionals are concerned with more than just the health of your teeth and gums. They want your entire body to be healthy. As we enter cold and flu season, they are especially concerned with respiratory illnesses that can be gotten through the mouth. Your Greenfield dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, celebrate Handwashing Awareness Week by offering these tips and suggestions for your hands to help you avoid getting sick this winter.

Wash Your Hands

Since childhood, you’ve probably been told to constantly wash your hands—before meals, after using the restroom, and whenever they get dirty. Even for adults, that is excellent advice. Bacteria can easily transfer onto your hands when you touch anything contaminated, such as doorknobs, computer keyboards, and other people’s hands. The bacteria can also transfer off your hands onto whatever you are holding—including your food. To avoid transferring bacteria to your food, make sure you wash your hands with hot, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.


Stocking Stuffer Suggestions from Your Greenfield Dentists

November 16, 2012

Filed under: Family Dentistry,Just for Fun — bghdental @ 2:34 am

It seems like these days it begins to look a lot like Christmas long before Halloween is even over. Department stores have ensured that they get the most buck for the Christmas bang by pumping out holiday tunes and arranging festive displays of themed merchandise as early as possible – long before the calendar is even turned to December. It’s bound to get all of our wheels turning as to what we want to buy for whom this year. For a little holiday guidance, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, your Greenfield dentists, offer some dental related stocking stuffer ideas.

Travel Sized Oral Hygiene Products

All of those little mini bottles of mouthwash, tubes of toothpaste, and smaller sized dental flosses are just the perfect stocking stuffer. Most drugstores have a travel sized section, and they’re convenient for anyone to have on hand. Whether the recipient has a trip coming up, likes to keep their guest bathroom stocked for company, or prefers to have those extras on hand just in case they run out of their usual stock, you can’t go wrong with these fun little dental gifts. (more…)

Greenfield Dentists Provide Overview of Invisalign

November 9, 2012

Filed under: Family Dentistry,Invisalign — bghdental @ 1:29 am

There was a time in history when tin grins were the mainstream way to straighten teeth. For adolescents and teens that were not born with perfect alignment, bracket-and-wire braces were the only way to fly. After all of those often uncomfortable months of getting wires tightened and twisted, fastening rubber bands from the top to the bottom, and not being able to eat popcorn or chew gum, the expectation was that you should continue wearing a retainer for a set period of time. This was a long and arduous process to attain straight teeth, but it was the only choice. Your Greenfield dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, explain how patients now have an easier option when straightening their teeth, thanks to a virtually invisible form of customized teeth straighteners called Invisalign.

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign is a great choice for people with over-crowding, cross-bites, poor spacing, under-bites, and over-bites. We see a lot of patients who sported traditional bracket-and-wire braces when they were younger, but neglected their retainer wearing recommendations, and ended up with crooked teeth all over again. This is a common issue, and nothing to feel bad about. Thankfully, with Invisalign, you don’t need to worry about anyone knowing that you’re going through a teeth straightening process. You can go to work, out on dates, and even get your picture taken with no one being the wiser. You can also take the aligners out when you eat and brush your teeth, so there’s no need to worry that you have food caught in your braces. (more…)

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