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Straighten Your Teeth Quickly with Orthodontics in Greenfield, MA

February 17, 2015

92589293If you’re all grown up, but still have the same crooked teeth you had when you were younger, don’t despair. You can still straighten your teeth, but you don’t have to contend with metal brackets and wires. The dentists at Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda in Greenfield, MA, offer two kinds of orthodontics and both are very inconspicuous.


As the name implies, Invisalign straightens teeth almost invisibly. With clear plastic aligners, Invisalign uses low force to gradually move your teeth into place. When you come to Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda for Invisalign, we’ll first meet with you to discuss your smile goals and assess your oral health to address any concerns before you begin orthodontic treatment. Then, with digital x-rays, photos and impressions, we’ll develop a treatment plan that will allow you to see how your teeth will move. This same treatment plan is also what the Invisalign lab will use to make your custom designed aligners.

These smooth, clear plastic aligners come as a series of sets. You’ll wear each set for about two weeks and then move on to the next set. As you move through the series, you’ll begin to see your teeth move and your smile change. The entire treatment takes approximately one year.

Six Month Smiles®

Braces with Six Month Smiles are designed to straighten only the teeth that are in your smile zone. Six Month Smiles uses clear brackets and tooth-colored wires to shift your teeth into position.  These braces standard orthodontic mechanics, but focus on the appearance of your teeth rather than the position of your bite. As such, with Six Month Smiles your orthodontic treatment will usually be complete in about half a year. Of course, as with any orthodontic treatment, you’ll want to wear a retainer to maintain your straight smile.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you’d like to learn more about orthodontics at Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda in Greenfield, MA, then call our office today. We also serve patients in Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, and Northampton.

Quiz on Clear Braces from Greenfield Dentists

April 28, 2013

Filed under: Invisalign,Just for Fun — bghdental @ 2:56 am

TrueOrFalseWe ended last month blogging about Invisalign, the clear solution for straightening teeth that we offer in our Greenfield office. For adults and teens that feel self-conscious about the idea of wearing braces but believe straight teeth will improve their quality of life and dental health, Invisalign can be a good alternative to traditional braces. Your Greenfield dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, previously offered you FAQs on clear braces. Today we’re going to challenge you to a quiz to see how well you were paying attention.


Q1. True or false: Invisalign consists of the same aligners for all patients, so you must have a specific set of straightening needs that fall in line with that.

Q2. True or false: Invisalign aligners consist of one set of aligners per patient.

Q3. True or false: Dentists keep the different sizes and shapes of aligners in-office, much like optometrists keep different sizes and types of contact lenses in their office. (more…)

Invisalign FAQs Answered by Greenfield Dentists

March 31, 2013

Filed under: Invisalign,Patient Education — bghdental @ 4:19 am

shutterstock_73029832We are very proud to be able to offer our patients the innovative orthodontic solution that has a “clear” advantage over anything else. If you want straight teeth, Invisalign is a terrific solution. Many of our patients have questions brewing in their heads about these clear aligners that can straighten crooked teeth without the disadvantages of traditional metal braces. Your Greenfield dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, will answer FAQs on Invisalign.

Invisalign FAQs

Q1. Are Invisalign aligners the same for every patient?

A1.A great choice for people that have teeth which present with over-crowding, cross-bites, poor spacing, under-bites, and/or over-bites, the clear aligners are customized to each individual patient. Your Greenfield dentists will start by taking detailed measurements and impressions of your teeth. Three dimensional computer imaging will allow you to see a projection what your straightened teeth will look like before treatment even starts. A professional lab will manufacture your personal series of customized clear plastic aligners. (more…)

Greenfield Dentists Offer Orthodontics for Adults

January 25, 2013

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry,Invisalign — bghdental @ 6:06 pm


A recent Kelton Research study found that we perceive people with straight smiles as happier, more attractive, and more successful. In fact, over a third of the people questioned said the smile was the first thing they noticed when meeting someone. Greenfield cosmetic dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, understand what a beautiful smile can mean for their adult patients. They also understand the hesitancy of adults to correct their smile using traditional orthodontics. Thankfully, with Invisalign, your smile can be improved without the use of embarrassing metal braces.


Greenfield Dentists Provide Overview of Invisalign

November 9, 2012

Filed under: Family Dentistry,Invisalign — bghdental @ 1:29 am

There was a time in history when tin grins were the mainstream way to straighten teeth. For adolescents and teens that were not born with perfect alignment, bracket-and-wire braces were the only way to fly. After all of those often uncomfortable months of getting wires tightened and twisted, fastening rubber bands from the top to the bottom, and not being able to eat popcorn or chew gum, the expectation was that you should continue wearing a retainer for a set period of time. This was a long and arduous process to attain straight teeth, but it was the only choice. Your Greenfield dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, explain how patients now have an easier option when straightening their teeth, thanks to a virtually invisible form of customized teeth straighteners called Invisalign.

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign is a great choice for people with over-crowding, cross-bites, poor spacing, under-bites, and over-bites. We see a lot of patients who sported traditional bracket-and-wire braces when they were younger, but neglected their retainer wearing recommendations, and ended up with crooked teeth all over again. This is a common issue, and nothing to feel bad about. Thankfully, with Invisalign, you don’t need to worry about anyone knowing that you’re going through a teeth straightening process. You can go to work, out on dates, and even get your picture taken with no one being the wiser. You can also take the aligners out when you eat and brush your teeth, so there’s no need to worry that you have food caught in your braces. (more…)