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Greenfield General Dentists Suggest Heart Healthy Diet

February 8, 2013

Filed under: Family Dentistry,Patient Education — bghdental @ 7:02 pm

Whole FoodsWe’re continuing a focus on the heart for February’s National Heart Month. You also may have noticed all of those delicious looking candy choices for another heart-centric February event – Valentine’s Day. Naturally, no dentist is going to suggest that you eat all the candy you want. Sugar contributes to cavities, plain and simple, and while good oral hygiene can help, limiting sucrose in your diet will be all the better for your teeth. Your heart will benefit from a better diet, as well. Your Greenfield general dentistsDrs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda will describe some of these heart healthy foods.

Whole Foods for a Healthy Heart

When you go grocery shopping, consider sticking to the perimeters. The outer aisles are generally where the foods that are best for your heart are kept. Inner aisles boast more pre-packaged or “junk” foods that rely on preservatives and chemicals and high sodium for longer shelf lives. While you may have trouble transitioning back to healthy food when you’ve gotten used to the over-processed types, you can retrain your taste buds with will-power and diligence. Besides, when you experience how much better your body wiIl feel, you’ll have more of an incentive to keep up the good dietary work.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fish and fish oil supplements are well known as high sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are well known to show heart health benefits, but seafood is not the only edible way to infuse this powerful supplement into your diet. Ground Flaxseed is a great, virtually tasteless addition to baked goods, smoothies, cereals, and yogurt. Black or kidney beans are delicious additions to ethnic cuisines, and can be a perfect protein addition to salads. Oatmeal has a terrific reputation for heart health, and is not just a rib-sticking morning breakfast staple, but a wonderful fiber-filled addition to muffins, cookies, and cakes. All of these tasty, healthy foods can give you a boost in omega-3s, contributing to a strong heart.

General Dentists in Greenfield

Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda would love to be your Greenfield general dentists. Contact our 01301 dentist office by calling 413-772-0842. We are happy to serve patients in the western region of Massachusetts, close to the surrounding states of CT, NH, VT, and NY.

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