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Your Dentist in Greenfield Says Preventive Care is Super Important!

May 21, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — bghdental @ 11:18 am

man smiling perfect teeth happyIf you were asked whether you’d prefer to have a healthy or unhealthy mouth, teeth and gums, your answer would be, of course, that you desire health. With that established, the next step would be to simply identify the best habits to help you achieve that goal. Your dentist in Greenfield says that one of the best things you can to encourage oral health is make a visit for preventive care. As you read on, you’ll discover why these appointments are so vital to your well-being.

What is Preventive Dentistry?

Preventive care is the form of dentistry that takes a proactive approach to your oral health by focusing on creating a healthy environment inside your mouth instead of waiting on something bad to happen. These visits are usually conducted semi-annually and provide you with a thorough cleaning and tediously conducted examinations by both your dental hygienist and dentist.

Preventive Care Helps You Avoid Big Problems

As mentioned earlier, the preventive care process is a proactive endeavor, where you are able to take steps to create the type of health that you want. Here are some of the problems that can either be avoided or nipped in the bud before they become major:

  • Cavities – Your main nemeses, when it comes to your oral health, are bacteria. They are attracted to and sustained by leftover food particles. If your oral hygiene hasn’t been up to par, then the bacteria will cling to your teeth, leaving deposits of plaque that wear down the protective enamel. Your dentist will be able to identify any decay of this manner early and address it.
  • Gum Disease – If tooth decay and cavities aren’t caught in time, they can morph into more severe problems like gum disease, which is inflammation of the precious soft tissues that support your teeth. This disease can lead to several other problems like recession, bad breath, bone and tooth loss.
  • Oral Cancer – Untreated bacteria growth and gum disease can make a person more susceptible to developing oral cancer. This is based on research that has found that acute bacteria growth causes inflammation, which then creates a toxic environment conducive for cancerous cells to form.

But again, you are better protected from these problems when you maintain regular visits to your dentist.

Visiting My Dentist Saves Money?

Everyone loves to save an extra buck, which is possible when you visit your family dentist in Greenfield for preventive care. You’ll be able to prevent more of the issues that lead to major dental procedures, which typically have more out-of-pocket costs associated. On the other hand, most insurance carriers will cover 80 to 100 percent of your preventive care costs.

Being healthy isn’t complicated; it just takes a little effort. So reach out to your dentist in 01301 to save more money and protect your oral health, today!

About the Author

For more than two decades, Dr. Sean Hrinda has been helping patients become healthier. A graduate of Tufts University, he remains dedicated to learning more and staying abreast of the latest advancements in dentistry. Thus, he maintains membership with several professional organizations. Dr. Hrinda practices at BGH Dental and can be reached for more information through his website.

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