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How to Fix Your Missing Teeth

June 17, 2015

feardentistWhether you just lost your tooth, or you have a tooth that hasn’t been replaced after an extended period of time, it is essential for your dental health that you replace missing teeth. At Bagley, Goodwin, & Hirinda we help you find a tooth replacement solution that fits your needs, budget and schedule. Call our friendly staff today to schedule your tooth replacement consultation. Our family-friendly Greenfield, MA dental practice will work with you to quickly replace your missing teeth and restore your beautiful smile.

Why Replace Missing Teeth

Replacing missing teeth is not just about restoring your beautiful, healthy smile. Replacing missing teeth is beneficial to your overall dental health. Spaces left by missing teeth can allow dental drift where your surrounding teeth move to fill the space. Dental drift can completely change your bite, leave gaps in teeth, undo pricey orthodontic straightening, and a misaligned bite puts you at risk for TMJ.

Another effect missing teeth have on oral health is the deterioration of gum tissue and bone density. Without the root to support gum tissue and stimulate the jawbone to maintain density, rapid deterioration can be seen. Depending on age, in just a few months you can see a noticeable change of your facial features due to the change in gum tissue and bone density.

Our Tooth Replacement Options

Whenever possible, we want to preserve your original tooth. This is often difficult due to the extremely time sensitive nature of lost tooth replacement. If you do loose a tooth, clean both the tooth and the socket and try to replace the tooth and hold it in place by biting down on gauze. Always handle a tooth by the crown, and avoid touching the root. If you are unable to replace the tooth, hold the tooth between your cheek and gums or store in a glass of milk until you can get to our office. Call us as soon as possible, so we can prepare to see you immediately. If the tooth can be replaced in about an hour, we are generally able to reattach it with no problem.

If we are unable to replace your natural tooth, there are numerous other tooth replacement options that will look and feel great. Our practice offers dental implants, bridges, partials and dentures to meet any tooth replacement needs.

To maximize gum tissue and jawbone density retention, dental implants are highly effective. The implant is a titanium post set in the gum to replace the root. A crown is anchored to the post to create a permanent replacement tooth that functions just like a natural tooth. Implant technology can also be used on multiple teeth or a full arch. Implant supported dentures are semi-permanent and help many denture wearers regain the ability to eat their favorite crunchy, sticky or chewy food. Additional, because implant supported dentures do not block the pallet, patients are able to taste more flavors in their food.

If implants are not a viable option for you, single tooth and multiple tooth replacement can be done using crowns and bridges. Because you do not have a root or implant to anchor a crown, a bridge connects a crown to the surrounding teeth. This is an effective tooth replacement option that is minimally invasive and can help restore your bite to full strength.

Partial dentures or partials are a good option when you might need multiple crown and bridge treatments. Partials are made up of a set of customized artificial teeth that are attached to a plastic support that is made to resemble your gum line. Like a crown and bridge, partials are anchored to surrounding teeth for stability.

Finally, traditional dentures are made to replace an upper or lower arch or a full-set of teeth. Traditional dentures attach to your gums using adhesive, and provide facial shape and support to those who have lost all of the teeth in one or both arches. This is an effective method of returning a patient’s ability to articulate and thoroughly chew their meals.

Schedule an Examination

If you are missing one or more teeth, don’t waste another minute trying to decide whether you should replace them. Let the professionals at Bagley, Goodwin & Hirinda PC help you find the best tooth replacement treatment for you. Call to schedule a consultation with the knowledgeable dental staff at our Greenfield, MA office. We welcome patients form surrounding areas including Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turners Falls, Northfield, and Amherst.

Complete Your Smile with a Crown and Bridge in Greenfield, MA

January 17, 2015

If you are missing even one tooth—to say nothing of several teeth—then you know how difficult chewing, speaking and smiling become. Replacing those teeth, therefore, is more than just a matter of appearance. There are also concerns about nutritional health and self-esteem. Fortunately, Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda in Greenfield, MA, offer crown and bridge work, an excellent choice for tooth replacement.

Whether fixed or removable, a bridge consists of a pontic, or prosthetic tooth, and the anchors that hold it in place. In the case of a crown and bridge, those anchors are dental crowns (also called abutments) that are placed on the teeth that sit on either side of a missing tooth or teeth. As such, the bridge is a permanent and secure tooth replacement option.

The Crown and Bridge Procedure

Once you and your dentist at Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda decide that crown and bridge is the best option for you, we’ll take x-rays, impressions and photos of the area where the bridge will be placed in order to design the best fitting bridge for you. Then, the teeth that will support the bridge will be prepared for crowns. Once again, we’ll take an impression of these prepared teeth, so the crowns can be precisely fabricated in a dental lab. While your permanent bridge is made, we’ll give you a temporary bridge to protect your teeth and gums.

Finally, you’ll return to our office for a final visit when your crown and bridge will be cemented into place.

Caring for Your Crown and Bridge

Once your crown and bridge are in place, you will need to brush twice a day as usual and floss with a special bridge floss threader that will allow you to floss around and under the prosthetic tooth. With proper hygiene, your crown and bridge will last for many years.

Call Our Office Today

For more information about crown and bridge, or to schedule an appointment, call the office of Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda. We serve patients in Greenfield, MA, as well as the surrounding areas of Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, and Northampton.

Greenfield Dental Implants: Explaining Dental Implant Surgery

November 17, 2014

Tooth loss can be devastating. Especially if the dentist recommends that you remove a large number of teeth at the same time due to advanced decay or periodontal disease. Fortunately, there are dental treatments available that can fully restore the look and feel of normal teeth. If you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure, dental implants are the best choice for restoring loss teeth. Make an appointment with the gentle and caring dentists of Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda.  Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda proudly serve patients throughout Greenfield, MA, Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, Northampton, and nearby cities.

Greenfield Dental Implants: The Procedure

The dental implant process can take several months from start to finish. Most of this time is needed for healing and waiting for the growth of new bone in the jaw.

  • The damaged tooth is removed.
  • The jawbone is prepared for surgery, a process that may involve bone grafting.
  • After the jawbone heals, the dental implant titanium post is placed in the jawbone.
  • The implant is given time to fuse with the jawbone and heal.
  • The abutment (extension of the implant metal post) and the new artificial tooth (crown) is placed.

Greenfield Dental Implants: What Is Bone Grafting?

If the jawbone isn’t thick enough or hard enough, you may need a procedure called bone grafting before dental implant surgery can be started. The powerful chewing action of your mouth exerts such enormous pressure on the bone.  If the existing bone can’t withstand this pressure with the implant, the surgery would likely fail. A bone graft can create a more solid base for the implant. With bone grafting, a piece of bone is removed from another part of your jaw or your body, like your hip and transplanted to your jawbone. It could take up to nine months for the transplanted bone to grow enough new bone to support a dental implant. Sometimes you may need only minor bone grafting, which can be completed at the same time as the implant surgery. The condition of your jawbone determines how you proceed.

Greenfield Dental Implants Appointments

There are many important considerations before deciding upon dental implant surgery. Certain medical conditions may prohibit the procedure. The first step toward successful dental implant treatment is to make an appointment with Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda today. The experienced dentists of Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda proudly restore smiles in Greenfield, MA, Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, Northampton, and nearby communities.

Do You Have a Tongue Disorder?

October 17, 2014

Most people don’t think much about tongue disorders unless they have a personal experience with them. However, it’s important to be familiar with common maladies of this all too important part of the body.  Problems with the tongue generally fall into two categories: injury or illness. Traumatic injury is the most common cause of tongue discomfort. There are however other things that can cause severe discomfort of the tongue. If you live in Greenfield, MA, or the surrounding communities, you can contact the team at Bagley, Goodwin, & Hrinda today to diagnose and treat your persistent tongue disorder.

Types of Tongue Disorder

Disorders of the tongue can be detected by both abnormal appearance or pain and discomfort.

  • Iron deficiency anemia may make the tongue appear pale and smooth. Pernicious Anemia, caused by a deficiency in vitamin B-12, may alter the appearance of the tongue in the same manner.
  • Sores on the tongue can be caused by allergic reactions, oral herpes simplex virus infection, canker sores, TB, bacterial infections, or early-stage syphilis.
  • Sores can also be caused by allergies or other disorders of the immune system. A bump on only one side of the tongue may be cancerous.
  • Unexplained red or white areas, sores, or painless hard lumps on the tongue may be signs of cancer and should be examined by a doctor or dentist immediately.
  • Some prescription drugs and antibiotics can cause tongue discomfort, as can injury and infection. A common infection causing tongue discomfort is “thrush” or candidiasis, in which an overgrowth of fungi forms a white film that covers the tongue.
  • Intense pain of the entire mouth can be caused by “burning mouth syndrome”. It’s a continuous or intermittent painful burning sensation in parts of or throughout the entire mouth. Symptoms also include thirst, dry mouth and altered taste. Burning Mouth Syndrome can be caused by the use of some antibiotics, the over use of mouth rinses and sprays, ill fitting dentures and allergic reactions to dental products, certain food and drugs.

Tongue Disorder Treatment in Greenfield, MA

Dentists use the process of elimination to find out exactly what’s causing the discomfort. Tongue discomfort not caused by an infection is usually treated by eliminating the cause. For example, the person may try changing brands of toothpaste, stop eating irritating foods, or have a sharp or broken tooth repaired by a dentist. Warm salt-water rinses may help. Thrush can be treated with an antifungal drug. Sometimes anti depressants might abate the symptoms as well. You should contact the team at Bagley, Goodwin, & Hrinda today if you are experiencing any symptoms of a tongue disorder. The doctors at Bagley, Goodwin, & Hrinda proudly serve patients in Greenfield ,MA, Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, Northampton, and surrounding areas.

Greenfield Dentists Wish You a Happy Halloween

October 25, 2012

In a time in American history when most people are on a pretty strict budget, the average household will still spend around $44 on Halloween candy. Is your house already overflowing with lollipops, bubblegum, gummies of all shapes and sizes, and, of course, chocolate?  As delicious as candy can be, excessive sugar consumption can be a contributor to cavities. The bacteria that cause tooth decay enjoy sugar as much as a trick-or-treating first grader. The problem is bacteria can metabolize sugar into lactic acid, wearing down your tooth enamel. Still, we don’t want to spoil the fun, so your Greenfield dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, want to share some fun facts about candy, as long as you promise to keep up with brushing and flossing during this tempting time of year.

Chocolate Can Actually Be Good for Your Teeth

You’ve probably heard reports that chocolate can be good for your heart, in moderation, but good for your teeth? Theobromine is a compound in the cocoa bean, which has been shown to actually harden tooth enamel.  According to the American Dental Hygienist’s Association (ADA) chocolate can inhibit Streptococcus mutans, the bacteria that cause cavities. Of course, if you want to enjoy chocolate for dental and overall health benefits, the darker, plain forms of chocolate are your best choices. (more…)