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Porcelain Veneers from your Cosmetic Dentist in Greenfield, MA

April 17, 2015

78294804When you see your smile in a photograph, are you gazing at the smile you have or the smile you truly want? If you don’t have the smile you want, then there are a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments that can help. One of the most popular is porcelain veneers. These modern dental wonders allow you to conceal the smile you have and create the smile you want. The cosmetic dentists at Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda have used porcelain veneers to give many people in Greenfield, MA, new smiles and the can give you a beautiful smile, too.

Porcelain veneers can cover a number of smile imperfections including:


  • Teeth that are chipped or slightly cracked
  • Stained or discolored teeth that have not responded to teeth whitening
  • Teeth that have gaps in between them
  • Somewhat crooked teeth
  • Misshaped teeth

Although porcelain veneers are certainly cosmetic, they also fall into the category of restorative dentistry, because they help protect the teeth they cover from sustaining any further damage.

The Porcelain Veneer Process

The first step in getting your new smile involves meeting with one of our dentists and determining if there are any oral health concerns that need to be addressed before your veneers are placed. Once cleared, then you and the dentist will discuss the kind of smile you want. We’ll likely need to take x-rays, photos, and impressions of your teeth that will be sent to our cosmetic dental lab to fabricate your custom designed porcelain veneers.

To prepare your teeth for veneers, a minimal amount of enamel will be removed from the facial surface of the teeth in your smile zone. Then, your veneers—which are ultra-thin layers of dental porcelain—are adhesively bonded to your teeth. The dentist carefully trims and sculpts the veneers for a perfect finish. When the procedure is complete, you’ll have a new and photogenic smile.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you’d like to learn more about porcelain veneers, then call the office of Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda and ask for a consultation. We serve patients in Greenfield, MA, as well as the surrounding areas of Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, and Northampton.

Family Dentistry in Greenfield, MA

March 17, 2015

465162307When it comes to taking care of your family’s health, you often need to enlist the services of several different physicians. When it comes to dentistry, however, you only need to enlist the services of one family dentist in order to take care of all the dental needs of everyone in your family. At Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda, we practice family dentistry to protect and enhance the smiles of people in and around Greenfield, MA.

First and foremost, our dentists and the team at Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda want to help you and each member of your family enjoy the best of oral health; and this is not only for the sake of having healthy teeth and gums, but also for the sake of a healthier you. Studies show that there is a direct link between oral health and overall health. In fact, several bodily ailments ranging from high blood pressure and stroke to osteoporosis and diabetes may be caused by the same bacteria that leads to gum disease.

The Family Dentist Greenfield, MA, Trusts

Therefore, to maintain your good health, we’d like to see you and your family at least twice each year for dental checkups. With this consistency we can keep close tabs on the health of your teeth and gums, and we are more likely to notice any changes that may be cause for concern. At these checkups, we’ll clean your teeth and remove any plaque buildup. We’ll also ascertain the health of your gums and examine your teeth for signs of decay. When necessary, we’ll take digital x-rays to uncover any hidden spots of decay or infection below the gum line.

Call Our Office Today

If you or any member of your family needs to see a family dentist, then schedule an appointment with Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda. Many families in and around Greenfield, MA, count on us to care for their dental health. We’d be happy to have you join our family of happy patients. We also serve families from Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, and Northampton.


Straighten Your Teeth Quickly with Orthodontics in Greenfield, MA

February 17, 2015

92589293If you’re all grown up, but still have the same crooked teeth you had when you were younger, don’t despair. You can still straighten your teeth, but you don’t have to contend with metal brackets and wires. The dentists at Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda in Greenfield, MA, offer two kinds of orthodontics and both are very inconspicuous.


As the name implies, Invisalign straightens teeth almost invisibly. With clear plastic aligners, Invisalign uses low force to gradually move your teeth into place. When you come to Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda for Invisalign, we’ll first meet with you to discuss your smile goals and assess your oral health to address any concerns before you begin orthodontic treatment. Then, with digital x-rays, photos and impressions, we’ll develop a treatment plan that will allow you to see how your teeth will move. This same treatment plan is also what the Invisalign lab will use to make your custom designed aligners.

These smooth, clear plastic aligners come as a series of sets. You’ll wear each set for about two weeks and then move on to the next set. As you move through the series, you’ll begin to see your teeth move and your smile change. The entire treatment takes approximately one year.

Six Month Smiles®

Braces with Six Month Smiles are designed to straighten only the teeth that are in your smile zone. Six Month Smiles uses clear brackets and tooth-colored wires to shift your teeth into position.  These braces standard orthodontic mechanics, but focus on the appearance of your teeth rather than the position of your bite. As such, with Six Month Smiles your orthodontic treatment will usually be complete in about half a year. Of course, as with any orthodontic treatment, you’ll want to wear a retainer to maintain your straight smile.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you’d like to learn more about orthodontics at Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda in Greenfield, MA, then call our office today. We also serve patients in Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, and Northampton.

Complete Your Smile with a Crown and Bridge in Greenfield, MA

January 17, 2015

If you are missing even one tooth—to say nothing of several teeth—then you know how difficult chewing, speaking and smiling become. Replacing those teeth, therefore, is more than just a matter of appearance. There are also concerns about nutritional health and self-esteem. Fortunately, Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda in Greenfield, MA, offer crown and bridge work, an excellent choice for tooth replacement.

Whether fixed or removable, a bridge consists of a pontic, or prosthetic tooth, and the anchors that hold it in place. In the case of a crown and bridge, those anchors are dental crowns (also called abutments) that are placed on the teeth that sit on either side of a missing tooth or teeth. As such, the bridge is a permanent and secure tooth replacement option.

The Crown and Bridge Procedure

Once you and your dentist at Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda decide that crown and bridge is the best option for you, we’ll take x-rays, impressions and photos of the area where the bridge will be placed in order to design the best fitting bridge for you. Then, the teeth that will support the bridge will be prepared for crowns. Once again, we’ll take an impression of these prepared teeth, so the crowns can be precisely fabricated in a dental lab. While your permanent bridge is made, we’ll give you a temporary bridge to protect your teeth and gums.

Finally, you’ll return to our office for a final visit when your crown and bridge will be cemented into place.

Caring for Your Crown and Bridge

Once your crown and bridge are in place, you will need to brush twice a day as usual and floss with a special bridge floss threader that will allow you to floss around and under the prosthetic tooth. With proper hygiene, your crown and bridge will last for many years.

Call Our Office Today

For more information about crown and bridge, or to schedule an appointment, call the office of Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda. We serve patients in Greenfield, MA, as well as the surrounding areas of Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, and Northampton.

Six Month Smiles: The Braces Alternative for Busy Adults

December 17, 2014

If you never had the pleasure of wearing metal braces as an adolescent consider yourself lucky.However, if you were never able to correct orthodontic issues like crowded, gapped, spaced, or misaligned teeth, there may be a perfect orthodontic solution for you today. Have you been avoiding needed orthodontic treatment because you’d have to wear those embarrassing metal braces for two years or more? The new Six Month Smiles system can deliver orthodontic treatment in half the time of traditional braces with a cosmetically superior set of clear brackets and tooth colored wires. Six Month Smiles is a faster and more convenient orthodontic solution for busy adults. You can make an appointment with the experienced dentists of Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda today for your Six Month Smiles consultation.  Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda proudly serve patients throughout Greenfield, MA, Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, Northampton, and nearby cities.

Six Month Smiles Step By Step

  1. Initial Consultation- During your initial consultation you can discuss your concerns and goals with the dentist. The dentist will examine your teeth to determine if your goals can be achieved through the Six Month Smiles treatment. If they can, the dentist will complete a comprehensive examination including impressions, x-rays, and pictures. This information will be sent to the Six Month Smiles lab so that your custom clear braces can be fabricated.
  2. Custom Fabrication by Six Month Smiles Technicians- Once your information reaches the Six Month Smiles laboratory, a bracket technician will identify the correct location of bracket placement for the models of your teeth. Once all locations have been determined, the technician will carefully place the brackets so that the desired result will be achieved by the end of the treatment. The technician then fabricates your custom bonding trays. The bonding trays, tooth colored wires, ties, and other needed materials are packaged and sent to your dentist for placement.
  3. Braces Placement- The dentist will schedule an appointment for your braces placement. Placement is quick and easy with the custom bonding trays and tooth colored wires.
  4. Periodic Adjustments- You will need to come in about every four weeks for adjustments as your treatment progresses. The average treatment time is six months though the window of treatment time can be anywhere from four to nine months.
  5. Treatment Completion- During your shortened treatment period, you can enjoy the discretion of nearly invisible brackets and wires.

Six Month Smiles in Greenfield, MA

With Six Month Smiles, there’s no reason to put off the orthodontic treatment you need any longer. Make an appointment with the highly qualified dentists of Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda today.  Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda restore smiles daily throughout Greenfield, MA, Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, Northampton, and surrounding communities.

Greenfield Dental Implants: Explaining Dental Implant Surgery

November 17, 2014

Tooth loss can be devastating. Especially if the dentist recommends that you remove a large number of teeth at the same time due to advanced decay or periodontal disease. Fortunately, there are dental treatments available that can fully restore the look and feel of normal teeth. If you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure, dental implants are the best choice for restoring loss teeth. Make an appointment with the gentle and caring dentists of Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda.  Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda proudly serve patients throughout Greenfield, MA, Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, Northampton, and nearby cities.

Greenfield Dental Implants: The Procedure

The dental implant process can take several months from start to finish. Most of this time is needed for healing and waiting for the growth of new bone in the jaw.

  • The damaged tooth is removed.
  • The jawbone is prepared for surgery, a process that may involve bone grafting.
  • After the jawbone heals, the dental implant titanium post is placed in the jawbone.
  • The implant is given time to fuse with the jawbone and heal.
  • The abutment (extension of the implant metal post) and the new artificial tooth (crown) is placed.

Greenfield Dental Implants: What Is Bone Grafting?

If the jawbone isn’t thick enough or hard enough, you may need a procedure called bone grafting before dental implant surgery can be started. The powerful chewing action of your mouth exerts such enormous pressure on the bone.  If the existing bone can’t withstand this pressure with the implant, the surgery would likely fail. A bone graft can create a more solid base for the implant. With bone grafting, a piece of bone is removed from another part of your jaw or your body, like your hip and transplanted to your jawbone. It could take up to nine months for the transplanted bone to grow enough new bone to support a dental implant. Sometimes you may need only minor bone grafting, which can be completed at the same time as the implant surgery. The condition of your jawbone determines how you proceed.

Greenfield Dental Implants Appointments

There are many important considerations before deciding upon dental implant surgery. Certain medical conditions may prohibit the procedure. The first step toward successful dental implant treatment is to make an appointment with Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda today. The experienced dentists of Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda proudly restore smiles in Greenfield, MA, Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, Northampton, and nearby communities.

Do You Have a Tongue Disorder?

October 17, 2014

Most people don’t think much about tongue disorders unless they have a personal experience with them. However, it’s important to be familiar with common maladies of this all too important part of the body.  Problems with the tongue generally fall into two categories: injury or illness. Traumatic injury is the most common cause of tongue discomfort. There are however other things that can cause severe discomfort of the tongue. If you live in Greenfield, MA, or the surrounding communities, you can contact the team at Bagley, Goodwin, & Hrinda today to diagnose and treat your persistent tongue disorder.

Types of Tongue Disorder

Disorders of the tongue can be detected by both abnormal appearance or pain and discomfort.

  • Iron deficiency anemia may make the tongue appear pale and smooth. Pernicious Anemia, caused by a deficiency in vitamin B-12, may alter the appearance of the tongue in the same manner.
  • Sores on the tongue can be caused by allergic reactions, oral herpes simplex virus infection, canker sores, TB, bacterial infections, or early-stage syphilis.
  • Sores can also be caused by allergies or other disorders of the immune system. A bump on only one side of the tongue may be cancerous.
  • Unexplained red or white areas, sores, or painless hard lumps on the tongue may be signs of cancer and should be examined by a doctor or dentist immediately.
  • Some prescription drugs and antibiotics can cause tongue discomfort, as can injury and infection. A common infection causing tongue discomfort is “thrush” or candidiasis, in which an overgrowth of fungi forms a white film that covers the tongue.
  • Intense pain of the entire mouth can be caused by “burning mouth syndrome”. It’s a continuous or intermittent painful burning sensation in parts of or throughout the entire mouth. Symptoms also include thirst, dry mouth and altered taste. Burning Mouth Syndrome can be caused by the use of some antibiotics, the over use of mouth rinses and sprays, ill fitting dentures and allergic reactions to dental products, certain food and drugs.

Tongue Disorder Treatment in Greenfield, MA

Dentists use the process of elimination to find out exactly what’s causing the discomfort. Tongue discomfort not caused by an infection is usually treated by eliminating the cause. For example, the person may try changing brands of toothpaste, stop eating irritating foods, or have a sharp or broken tooth repaired by a dentist. Warm salt-water rinses may help. Thrush can be treated with an antifungal drug. Sometimes anti depressants might abate the symptoms as well. You should contact the team at Bagley, Goodwin, & Hrinda today if you are experiencing any symptoms of a tongue disorder. The doctors at Bagley, Goodwin, & Hrinda proudly serve patients in Greenfield ,MA, Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, Northampton, and surrounding areas.

Fluoride and Dental Sealants Create Healthy Smiles

September 17, 2014

When dealing with a child’s smile, it is important to keep in mind that their smiles are much more susceptible to decay than an adult’s smile is. Because their young mouths are still developing, it is important to instill healthy oral care routines while they are young. That way, they are more likely to carry those routines with them as they grow. When you child starts to see the dentist, there are many things we can do to ensure their smiles remain as healthy as possible. By offering fluoride treatments and dental sealants, we are able to protect their smiles, promising for a future of great oral health.

Fluoride is a natural mineral that deters the start and progression of tooth decay, such as cavities. Though fluoride is not limited to children, they can benefit the most from the treatment, as their smiles are still young and new. Another wonderful thing about fluoride is that it attracts other minerals to strengthen your child’s enamel. With the fluoride and other minerals working in tandem, your child is sure to have a beautiful, strong smile.

Dental sealants are extremely beneficial to children, as it also prevents the possibility of tooth decay. Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings that are painted in the grooves of your child’s teeth that are located toward the back of their mouths. When your child drinks sugary drinks and eats foods high in starch, dental sealants are able to prevent the bacteria and food particles from setting in the deep grooves of your child’s smile, causing deterioration. If you are interested in fluoride treatments and dental sealants helping your child’s smile, contact our Greenfield, MA dental office today!

Do you want to find out how the doctors at Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda can help you? Call us today for an appointment at our Greenfield office. Our team will be happy to assess your needs and recommend a specific plan. If you have any questions afterwards, do not hesitate to ask. We offer care to patients from Greenfield, Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, Northampton, and beyond.

Which Toothpaste Is Best For You?

August 15, 2014

Brushing and flossing your teeth is an excellent way to make sure your smile as healthy as possible. Though the acts of brushing and flossing are simple enough, it can really play a huge role in the overall health of your entire mouth as well as your body. When you are down the oral care aisle, you may be overwhelmed by all of the options for toothpastes. Though deciding on a toothpaste may seem to be simple enough, choosing the right one for your smile can take some thought. Our doctors want their patients to be as informed as possible for the optimal oral care, down to the toothpastes they use.

One of the main things to look for when choosing a toothpaste is making sure that it has fluoride. Fluoride is a natural mineral that prevents and fights of dental decay, such as cavities. Fluoride also attracts other minerals that all contribute to a stronger, healthier smile. After you eat or drink, the bacteria in your mouth feed off of the starches and sugars left behind. Fluoride is a great way of fighting the acid that is released when that occurs.

A toothpaste that has tartar control is also very important. Tartar is plaque that has been hardened, and when it is not removed or taken care of, it increases your chances of experiencing gum disease. There are some tartar toothpastes that have triclosan, which is an antibiotic. Triclosan kills some of the bacteria that are in your mouth, making it healthier. Also, finding a toothpaste that is ADA approved should be at the top of your list. By keeping these few tips in mind, there is no doubt you will be on your way to better oral and overall health!

Do you want to find out how the doctors at Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda can help you? Call us today for an appointment at our Greenfield office. Our team will be happy to assess your needs and recommend a specific plan. If you have any questions afterwards, do not hesitate to ask. We offer care to patients from Greenfield, Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, Northampton, and beyond.

Celebrate Summer with Teeth Whitening

July 14, 2014

One of the things people look for in a beautiful smile in shine. A gorgeous, flawless, bright smile is a feature that many people want to achieve, and they are willing to do almost anything to get it. Whether it is over the counter whitening strips or toothpastes that promise to brighten your smile, people spend a lot of money and a lot of time making sure their smile shines as bright as the sun. Unfortunately, most over the counter products do not yield lasting, or any, results, and you may end up feeling discouraged. Fortunately, our doctors understand the smile goal their patients wish to achieve, which is why they offer teeth whitening and their Greenfield, MA dental office.

We have two options for our patients who wish to whiten their smiles. The first is in-office whitening. With this option, our patients are able have a dramatically whiter smile in as little as an hour. We will apply the whitening gel to your smile and activate it using a light. In about an hour, your smile is light and bright, and you are ready to show the world your new smile! You are able to fit a whitening appointment in while doing your errands, making it simple and convenient, as it will not take a lot of time out of your day.

The second option we give our patients is at-home whitening. Unlike in in-office whitening, this option gives you a more gradual change to your smile. We will supply you with the whitening gel and custom trays or whitening strips. All you have to do to achieve your bright smile is follow the instructions, wear the trays or strips for the allotted amount of time, and over the course of several days, your smile will be noticeably whiter! Highly effective with either option, teeth whitening will be able to restore your confidence in your smile and in yourself in no time! If you want a whiter smile today, contact our office, and we would love to help!

Do you want to find out how the doctors at Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda can help you? Call us today for an appointment at our Greenfield office. Our team will be happy to assess your needs and recommend a specific plan. If you have any questions afterwards, do not hesitate to ask. We offer care to patients from Greenfield, Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turner Falls, Northfield, Amherst, Northampton, and beyond.

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