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The Power of Praise on Your Child’s Oral Health

December 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bghdental @ 6:21 pm
parents brushing their teeth with their child

As a conscientious parent, you are always trying to instill positive habits into your little one’s life early on. This includes a great oral hygiene routine! You understand how their dental practices will help them to have a healthy mouth for years to come. Teaching your child how to clean their teeth properly is a key part of this, but it can be a challenge to get them to be motivated and consistent. Read on to learn more about the power of praise on your young one regarding their oral health routine!

The Benefits of Praising Your Child for Brushing Their Teeth

It goes without saying that positive reinforcement helps motivate people of all ages, including children. And this can directly affect their oral health habits! There is now research that supports the link between praise and your child’s willingness and effectiveness in brushing their teeth.

A study published in Child Development found that parental praise was linked to how long children persisted in brushing as well as how likely they were to remember to brush at all. The exact amount of time each child spent brushing varied from day to day, but they did tend to brush longer on days when they received praise. They also seemed to respond better to praise than being told how they should brush.

By complimenting your child when they brush their pearly whites, you are encouraging them to make it part of their daily routine. Positive reinforcement also helps boost your child’s self-esteem and teaches them that good hygiene habits are important!

When Should You Praise Your Child?

 It’s important to encourage your child in the right way at the right time. If you only praise them when they do something perfectly, they may become discouraged if they don’t get it right every time. Instead, try praising them for small steps taken towards brushing their teeth properly such as when they use toothpaste or brush in a circular motion instead of up and down strokes. This will help keep them motivated and encouraged even if they aren’t perfect each time.

What Kind of Praise Should You Give?

When giving kudos to your child for maintaining their oral health, be sure to focus on the positive aspects. Instead of telling them that they did a “good job” or that they “cleaned all the germs away”, try saying something more specific like “I noticed you brushed in circles today. That helps keep your teeth clean!” This will help reinforce good dental practices and make them feel proud of themselves when they brush properly.

Praising your child for cleaning their teeth is an important part of helping them develop healthy oral hygiene habits. By focusing on and giving encouragement for their small successes with proper brushing, you can help motivate them to stick to a good dental routine for years to come!

About the Practice

BGH Dental helps you and your family achieve great oral health through the expertise of Dr. Sean Hrinda and Dr. Jenna Bagley. They provide a range of services, from preventive to restorative to children’s dentistry. With over 40 years of combined experience and children of their own, they understand the importance of helping your child have the healthiest, brightest smile possible. To schedule a checkup for your little one, contact them through their website or call (413) 772-0842.

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