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3 Common Myths about Children’s Dentistry, Busted

November 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bghdental @ 5:19 pm
A portrait of a smiling child

From educational videos to advice from other parents, you’re probably doing everything you can to learn how to keep your child healthy. Sometimes, things that aren’t true might get repeated, which is why there are so many myths surrounding childcare. It’s easy for these to be accepted as fact, so it can be helpful to evaluate them once in a while. In that spirit, here are 3 myths about children’s dentistry, busted.

#1: Pacifiers Are Bad for Children’s Teeth

A good pacifier is one of the most powerful tools in a parent’s arsenal. Anything that can help your baby fall asleep is something worth having around. Binkies are not only soothing, but they also reduce your child’s chance of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

Fortunately, the idea that pacifiers will damage your child’s tooth development is false. Extreme overuse might cause some issues, but a binkie at bed or naptime isn’t going to cause problems. If your child continues to use their pacifiers past the age of four there is a chance that your child’s mouth could grow around it. That said, most kids will wean themselves off before then.

#2: There’s No Point in Brushing Baby Teeth

While damage to baby teeth isn’t permanent, your child will have to live with it until they lose them. Cavities are uncomfortable at any age, and children are just as likely to get them as anyone. As with adults, brushing and flossing are essential to preventing tooth decay. Moreover, as your child learns to speak, their teeth play an important role in pronouncing “Th” and “L” sounds properly. Thus, preventing tooth decay can also prevent your child from developing a speech impediment.

#3: Kids Can Brush Their Own Teeth

If you want your child to take charge of their oral health, you might get them to brush their own teeth from a young age. This is a great idea in principle but young children may still need some help. Studies have shown that children under 5 only brush about 25% of the surfaces in their mouths when left on their own. Toddlers haven’t developed enough fine motor skills to clean their mouths properly. Babies and toddlers should have someone brush for them, and young kids should be supervised to ensure that they’re cleaning properly.

Creating and reinforcing good dental habits starts from a young age, so if you teach the right lessons now, you’ll help your child as much as possible to protect their teeth throughout their lives.

About Our Practice

At BGH Dental, we offer every service your child could need under one roof. Our dental team is adept at making your child feel at home while offering state-of-the-art pediatric dental care. We also have flexible payment options, so cost won’t get in the way of taking care of your child’s oral health. If you have any questions about how best to take care of your family’s teeth, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (413) 772-0842.

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