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Greenfield Dentists Share the Dental Benefits of Pumpkins

November 27, 2012

Filed under: Just for Fun,Patient Education,Uncategorized — bghdental @ 2:34 pm

The last three months of the year are prime pumpkin season. From Halloween jack-o-lanterns to pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving and Christmas, it is easy to enjoy all the tasty goodness the large orange staple provides. The even better news is that pumpkins are extraordinarily healthy, as well.  Your Greenfield dentists, Drs. Bagley, Goodwin, and Hrinda, want to remind everyone of the dental and other health benefits that eating pumpkin can bring.

Zinc For Your Teeth

Both pumpkins and their seeds are high in zinc. Among the health benefits that zinc provides is strong teeth. A lack of zinc in the diet can lead to a wide range of serious health issues, including poor oral and dental health. Other problems associated with zinc deficiency include weakened bones, a loss of hair, and anemia. Consuming pumpkins and other sources of zinc will help teeth stay strong for many years to come.

A Delicious Source of Magnesium

In addition to zinc, pumpkins are also rich in magnesium. Another essential ingredient, magnesium works with calcium to promote strong enamel growth in teeth. Magnesium is also a key element in bone production, the immune system, and even keeping the heart in rhythm. Only one ounce of pumpkin seeds provides over 1/3 the daily recommendation of magnesium.

Benefits Throughout the Body

Pumpkins provide healthy benefits all over the body, even beyond the teeth and gums. Pumpkins are high in fiber, which helps promote weight loss. They are a rich source of beta carotene, which is an important part in the fighting of several types of cancers. Sufferers of arthritis and hypertension can also benefit from the delicious health benefits of pumpkins. Pumpkins are full of potassium, which can lower blood pressure, and also has arthritis-relieving anti-inflammatories. It is extraordinary that this one superfruit can provide so many different health benefits to so many different parts of the body. Fighting tooth decay has rarely been so delicious!

If you are in need of any of our comprehensive family dental services, contact our Greenfield dentist office by calling 413-772-0842. We are happy to serve patients in the Western region of Massachusetts, close to the surrounding states of CT, NH, VT, and NY. Our patients come from the surrounding towns of Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne Falls, Turners Falls, Northfield, Amherst, Northampton, and more.

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