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Find Out How CEREC Crowns Treat Your Smile Royally

March 13, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:18 pm

Why are CEREC one-day dental crowns superior than the traditional replacement tooth? Find out in this article with details from the team at BGH Dental. You were enjoying some linguini with the clams that make Massachusetts famous, when the romantic night out with your sweetheart took an unexpected turn. The chef missed a small piece of shell in your pasta. When you bit down, this broke one of your teeth. You know the team at BGH Dental won’t be able to fix this with a filling – the problem is simply beyond this. Luckily for you, though, they recommend a CEREC same-day crown to restore the broken tooth. Rather than waiting weeks for a permanent replacement, this revolutionary technology gives you the smile of your dreams in just one visit. The team of experts explains everything about CEREC in this post.

What Is CEREC?

CEREC is an innovative dental crown technology that’s been thoroughly researched. It’s been shown to be highly effective in creating high-quality dental crowns. CEREC stands for a mouthful – Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics (also known as CE-ramic REC-onstruction). Basically, the CEREC system starts follows these steps:

  • A digital camera takes a detailed picture of your mouth and the tooth that needs repaired.
  • An advanced computer software converts that picture into the dental crown that’s right for you.
  • Your tooth is prepared to have the CEREC crown placed.
  • An in-office milling unit carves that perfectly designed crown into a reality by creating the crown from a single block of porcelain – all right there in the BGH Dental office, at the same appointment.


Traditional crowns are generally a lengthy process. At your first visit, your tooth would be prepared, you’d have a molded impression taken of the tooth that needs the crown, and that impression would be sent off to the lab.

Your dentist would then place a temporary crown and send you home. Then, the waiting game would start. After the lab finally completes your crown, you’d go back to the office for a second visit to have the permanent crown placed.

While traditional crowns work just fine, there is a true difference in the patient experience when visiting BGH Dental your dentist in Greenfield, MA. Who wants to come back for a second visit when modern technology makes waiting for another appointment unnecessary?

CEREC offers a convenient, long-lasting solution without the messy impression in the very same office visit.

Does CEREC Really Work?

Since patients are so accustomed to the traditional process of waiting for their dental crown, many wonder if this technology is too good to be true. Our team is happy to show you the incredible results in person, and we urge you to watch this quick video from The Doctors TV show about CEREC.


Now that you know how CEREC revolutionizes dental crowns, schedule your appointment with BGH Dental today and give your teeth the royal treatment they deserve.

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