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Your Dentist in Greenfield Discusses Invisalign vs Six Month Smiles

July 24, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:22 pm

Your dentist in Greenfield looks at the benefits and differences between Invisalign and Six Month Smiles.Living with crooked teeth affects your confidence and your oral health. Did you know that teeth that overlap are harder to keep clean when you brush and floss? This puts you at a higher risk for tooth decay and periodontal disease. A bite that is misaligned may also cause or contribute to a jaw joint disorder known as TMJ that causes neck and shoulder pain, and headaches. Besides the oral health issues, you may also feel embarrassed about the appearance of your smile, which affects your personal and professional relationships. The good news is that there are different options for straightening your teeth discreetly. Your dentist in Greenfield discusses Invisalign vs Six Month Smiles.

What is Invisalign?

Instead of traditional braces Invisalign utilizes clear plastic aligners that are custom designed to apply gentle pressure and straighten your teeth gradually. Your aligners must be worn 20-22 hours per day and changed every two weeks. Most Invisalign cases take 12-18 months to complete and the result is a straight and beautiful smile. Through 3D imaging, you’ll even be able to see what your newly aligned smile will look like prior to starting your treatment.

Invisalign offers many benefits other than just straightening your teeth discreetly. Because your aligners are removable, you’ll be able to take them out for eating and brushing your teeth. This means no restrictions to your diet and no changes to your home care routine. The best part of Invisalign is that no one will ever know you’re straightening your smile because the trays are virtually invisible.

What is Six Month Smiles?

Six Month Smiles is another way for busy adults to straighten their smiles and correct their bite quickly and discreetly. Utilizing a system of clear brackets and wires, this system uses the principals of traditional orthodontics and braces to straighten your teeth. Six Month Smiles is virtually invisible and it works fast. Many cases can be completed in 6-9 months.

One of the benefits of using Six Month Smiles is that the system utilizes traditional orthodontics. This means you’ll be able to correct your bite along with your smile. Aligning your bite protects the integrity of your jawbone. Again, no one will notice your orthodontic treatment because your braces and wires are clear and virtually invisible.

At Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda, Dr. Jenna Bagley Hrinda can help you determine if Six Month Smiles is the right treatment for you, while Dr. Jessica Stier is our certified Invisalign provider and can discuss Invisalign treatment with you. Either way, you can rest assured that you’ll no longer have to live with the affects of crooked teeth. Straighten your teeth and reclaim your life and your oral health. Contact our office today to learn more.

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