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Your Greenfield dentists at Bagley, Goodwin & Hrinda PC recommend the best food and drinks for your teeth

August 10, 2015

Water hydrates soft tissues and encourages saliva production.Preventive dentistry means more than exams and cleanings. Diet plays a big role in good oral health. Doctors Bagley, Goodwin and Hrinda in Greenfield, MA teach patients about the best food and drinks for healthy, bright, long-lasting smiles.

A healthy mouth largely comes from what you put into it. So, Doctors Jenna Bagley, Christopher Goodwin, M. Sean Hrinda, Jessica Stier and Jenell Hopeck go beyond preventive, restorative and cosmetic dental services to teach their patients how to have the healthiest and brightest teeth and gums.
From childhood through senior years, dietary choices not only affect the waistline and heart health, they also determine how bright and robust a smile can be. The Greenfield and Deerfield area dentists at BGH Dental inform all their patients about good food and drink and also what should be limited or avoided.  Patient education is a hallmark of BGH Dental.

Food is categorized into 4 groups

The National Institutes of Health, one of the country’s most influential health research organizations, says people should balance their food intake. This practice benefits both systemic and oral health.  The 4 recommended food groups are :

  1. dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt, for their bone- and teeth-building calcium content
  2. lean meats, including poultry and fish
  3. whole grain bread, rolls and crackers
  4. fruits and vegetables, up to 5 servings per day

Some foods should be avoided

Of course,  young and old alike should limit sugar-laden snacks, sticky candy and starchy carbohydrates. These foods adhere to tooth enamel and gums, giving oral bacteria a perfect breeding ground.

The acids from oral bacteria eat tooth enamel, and plaque at the gum line leads to periodontitis, a major cause of receding gums and bone and also of tooth loss. When people consume these foods, they should rinse their mouths with water and brush as soon as possible.

In addition, many foods stain teeth. With repeated consumption, dark beverages such as black tea, cherry juice, cola and coffee cause discoloration.  Also, acidic foods such as tomato sauce soften enamel,  making it more permeable to staining substances. When consuming these food and beverages, drink plenty of water, use a straw when drinking soda and brush with a whitening toothpaste.

Saliva and water cleanse tooth surfaces

Nature’s own power washer is saliva. Comprised mostly of water and containing anti-microbial enzymes, saliva cleanses teeth and gums. Proteins and dairy products promote saliva production, and staying hydrated encourages it as well.

Some individuals suffer from a condition called xerostomia or dry mouth. It’s a leading cause of halitosis or bad breath. It originates in health problems such as diabetes and gum disease and can come from prescription medications, too. To guarantee sufficient saliva for healthy teeth and gums, drink 8 cups of water a day.

Some foods naturally help dental health

Nutritionists recommend these foods as examples of tooth-loving options:

  • pineapples which contain a whitening enzyme
  • apples with their bacteria-suppressing pectin
  • sesame seeds that reduce plaque and strengthen enamel
  • yogurt which contains probiotics, or good bacteria, for healthy gums

In the Greenfield and Deerfield, MA area, contact BGH Dental

Be proactive, and learn all you can about caring for your dental health. Contact BGH Dental for a check-up and cleaning appointment. While you’re there, ask about the link between healthy eating and oral health.





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